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Surrender to... Feeling and being the most beautiful you

Thigh Blaster

· Tones your buttocks
· Firms the backs of your thighs

Similar to a squat that you might do at the gym, the thigh blaster allows you to roll up and down on the ball, protecting your knees. The band adds extra resistance, making the exercise more effective.

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A. Sit on the ball with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Walk your feet forward as you slide down the ball, until your lower back rests against the ball, as shown. Your feet should be far enough away from the ball for your thighs to be parallel with the floor. Secure the band under your feet and grasp an end of the band in each hand with your hands by your hips.
B. Exhale as you straighten your legs. Inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat 12 times.
Quad Sets
· Tones the fronts of your thighs

This exercise is deceptively more challenging than it appears.

*I've tried this in physical therapy, but with a little twist… For more of a challenge, lift your opposite arm straight out in front of you, and hold both your leg and arm for the same count, then switch and repeat on the opposite side. You will feel your core working as well. This exercise also helps with balance. If you find it difficult, start slow and build up, or go back to the exercise in picture.

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A. Sit on the ball with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Place your palms against the ball for balance. "Zip up" your abs.
B. Shift your weight onto your right foot. Exhale as you lift your left knee as high as you can without losing your balance. Keep your lower back straight as you do so. Don't allow it to arch outward. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing normally, and then release and repeat with the other leg. If you lose your balance before 30 seconds, just put your foot down, reestablish your balance, and try again.


Outer-Thigh Toner
· Shrinks saddlebags
· Strengthens your arms

When you lean your upper body against the ball to do this traditional leg lift, you get two workouts in one. Your upper body will strengthen as it supports and balances your body weight against the ball. The sides of your waist get a workout, too.

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A. Kneel with the ball to your left side. Lean your left side into the ball and rest your left forearm on top of the ball for balance. Extend your right leg. Pull your navel in and contract your abs.
B. Exhale as you lift your right leg as high as you can. Inhale as you lower it. Repeat 12 times and then switch sides.

Inner-Thigh Shaper
· Firms your inner thighs
This is one of the best ways to firm up your inner thighs. You'll simultaneously firm your standing leg as well as the one pressing into the band. Did you know that your inner thigh has one of the most underused muscles of the body? This exercise will hit the target!

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A. Stand with the band secured under your left foot. Grasp an end of the band in each hand and gather up the excess until the band is taut. Lift your right leg slightly, bringing the inner edge of your right foot against the band. .
B. Cross the band in front of you. Exhale as you press your right foot into the band and bring it to the left. Inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat up to 12 times and then switch legs.

Leg Circles with Band
· Firms your inner and outer thighs
· Strengthens your abdomen

This exercise originates from the Pilates method. Adding the band really helps to target your legs and make smooth circles. It also encourages proper body alignment.

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A. Lie on your back with your left leg extended on the mat and your right leg lifted toward the ceiling, with the exercise band wrapped around the arch of your right foot. Hold both ends of the band in your right hand at chest level with your elbow bent. Extend your left arm out to the side for balance. Engage your abs.

B. Slowly circle your right foot counterclockwise, dipping down to the floor as you move your foot around in a circle. Make four large circles--exhaling as you lower your leg and inhaling as you raise your leg--and then switch direction, circling clockwise. Then switch legs and repeat. We've all been sucked in by reality TV makeovers. The hitch is that drastic measures are often used to produce those dramatic results, and painful surgery simply isn't necessary to offset the droop caused by gravity and aging.

Butt and Thigh Firmer
· Tones and lifts your buttocks
· Firms the backs of your thighs
· Strengthens your arms

As with the outer-thigh toner, you'll get two workouts in one as you lean your upper body into the ball.

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A. Kneel with the ball in front of you. Lean forward and place your forearms on the ball. Extend your right leg behind your torso, as shown. Pull your navel in and engage your abs.
B. Exhale as you lift your extended leg as high as you can without arching your back. Inhale as you lower it. Repeat up to 12 times and then switch legs.

Lunge With Knee Lift
. Works and tones the quads, hamstrings, inner thighs, buns, and is good for a cardio workout.

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A. Stand with left leg forward, right leg back, and hands on hips. Bend left knee and lower until left thigh is parallel to floor. Right heel will rise off floor.
B. As you press into left foot to stand back up, bring right knee forward and lift it to hip level. Hold a moment, then slowly swing right leg back, plant foot on floor, and lower into another lunge. Do 12 to 15 reps, then switch legs.

Quick Tip: Focus on feeling each of these moves in both legs. Your standing leg works by supporting and stabilizing, while you push the hip and buttocks muscles in the moving leg to the max.


*Surrender to… will only post previously posted information as “pass along information” from post by outside sources, and said professionals dealing with subject matter on topics which will require further research by the reader. . Surrender to… nor anyone associated directly or indirectly with Surrender to… makes any claim on health remedies, or self healing and strongly suggests you to discuss any concerns with a health care professional before starting any self healing program, exercise program, or any program/regimen which requires physical activity, or internally ingesting products. . These posts are solely informational and it is your responsibility to gain your own insight on content matter and seek the advice from your health care provider as needed.